Saturday, December 9, 2006


My husband (and a few others in my life) have told me that I often define myself by things that I don't like. That is not something to be proud of so I thought I would type some things I do like in no particular order: cooking, eating, collecting antique maps, world travel, picking up my daughter from her crib while she is still half asleep and rocking her while she slowly wakes up, Mexican hot chocolate, getting into a car that has been sitting in the sun for a few hours, tropical climates, back rubs, a good honest hug, McDonald's french fries (I know!), pasta in general, wading in a warm ocean, early mornings, sunrises, The Amazing Race, Grey's Anatomy, So You Think You Can Dance, Johnny Depp, Ellen DeGeneres, Penelope Cruz, Anderson Cooper, Reese Witherspoon, family reunions, dancing, yoga, music, going to the movies, hiking, mountain biking, broccoli, road trips, the smell of the airport, weddings, cruises, zip-lining, laughing, Christina Aguilera, Lenny Kravitz, avocados, clementines, strawberries dipped in milk chocolate, Tokyo, Guam, Palau, a good buzz over a great meal, sharing a joint (been so long!), watching a rain or snow storm while sitting in front of a fire, honesty, a sense of humor, fitness, nutrition, the internet, photography, nesting, organization, birth, the beach, pregnancy, and getting my teeth cleaned.

I'm going to stop there but I could go on and on. See? I like lots of things!!

1 comment:

jujubug said...

Hey samba_mama, this is a great post :) I like what you came up with - mind if I make my own list in my blog too?