Friday, December 22, 2006


I've always wanted to go. For awhile I wanted to climb Kilimanjaro but I know my body wouldn't handle the altitude since I get sick for 3 days after arriving in Denver. But a safari - oooh that sounds so romantic and beautiful. A couple I knew did that for their honeymoon. How cool is that? My husband feels it is too dangerous and perhaps he is right but I still want to go.

I am just about done reading "The Power of One" and I thought this paragraph in it was beautifully written:
"The music of Africa is too wild, too free, too accustomed to death for romance. Africa is too crude a stage for the small scratching of the violin, too majestic for the piano. Africa is only right for drums. The drum carries its rhythm but does not steal its music. Timpani is the background, the music of Africa is in the voices of the people. They are its instruments, more subtle, more beautiful, infinitely more noble than the scratching, thumping, banging, and blowing of brass and wind and vellum, strings and keyboard."

One day I will go there.

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