Sunday, December 31, 2006

License to Breed

Yeah. We should be required to get one. And in order to keep your license current, you should have to be retested once a year - some of us every 6 months.

CNN has posted yet another news article that makes me ill:

Motorists in Indianapolis found themselves swerving not to hit a BAREFOOT 3 year old trotting down a busy highway in 50 degree weather wearing only a T-shirt and a diaper!! Some motorists pulled over and waited with the boy until police arrived. They found the boys apartment about 200 yards away and upon entering they found a 2 year old girl eating spaghetti off the floor and the mother SLEEPING. When police woke her, her response was simply, "Oh - he got out again?"

HOLY SHIT. These people make me sick.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

yea, that article left me dumbfounded. I like the idea of a license to breed! ;)