Friday, December 29, 2006

The Ring

Had my annual exam today. I am now going to an OB/GYN (the one I used during pregnancy and birth) whereas before I was just going to my general practitioner and the nurse or P.A. would do the exam. Never had any problems or irregular results but I must say I LOVE my OB/GYN doc. She never makes me feel rushed and sits down and chats with me for a few minutes. She is really quick too. The exam itself never bothers me, but I can imagine for those who find it terrible, you want to be quick. I have decided to try NuvaRing as a form of birth control until we (read ME) are ready to have another. I have heard good things about it. I responded well to birth control pills and this is a lower dose plus you only have to "deal" with it once a month instead of daily like the pill. Nice. My husband is pretty stoked that condoms are soon to be a distant memory. Is that TMI?

We had a great time with our friends at dinner last night. Speaking of rings - they got engaged at Sunset Cliffs just before they came over. VERY exciting. I love the glow of newly engaged couples. They are awesome and we are really happy for them.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

Let me know how the ring works for you... is it hard to insert?