Thursday, December 14, 2006

Baby #2

Do you know what I am eating for dinner? Moose Munch. Heard of it? I'm addicted. It's totally disgusting that I am eating this for dinner!! It's basically chocolate covered caramel corn with some toffee and almonds in it. Yeah......I'm gonna be a nutritionist, uh-huh.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about baby #2 lately. A LOT. I am most likely going to have another but I am pretty darn terrified of the work it will involve. Last night we went to my husband's holiday party at work and, for most of the night, I was in the company of 2 other women with babies around my daughters age and they were BOTH pregnant with baby #2. They seemed very calm about the whole thing and even excited. Along came the wife of the CFO, who has 2 children already, and was talking about how hard two can be and that she is glad her kids are in school and she is done. She then corners me and tells me, "Oh you gotta have another!!" I'm thinking, lady, you just went on a 5 minute rant about how hard it is in front of 2 pregnant women and now you want to tell me how much fun it will be???!!!!"

The past few weeks have been difficult for me. The good news is the past 2 days have been SO MUCH better. Why? I decided to change my attitude. Why? I had a really GREAT talk with one of my best friends (thanks, J!!). She had some really insightful things to say and now I am trying not to take my time with my daughter for granted. I am grateful and feel blessed to be able to share this time with her and raise her.

It's 9p.m. and my husband is just now leaving work. Mind you he works 106 miles away. I'm annoyed. I am feeling a little taken for granted (which is probably why I am eating Moose Munch for dinner) and resentful. I have done all of the Christmas shopping so far (as usual) which is fine but when I asked if we were doing anything for each other, he said "what for?". Nice. Thanks babe - 'cuz I know you have already done SO much shopping, you must be sick of it, huh? Grrrrrrrr.

Don't get me wrong, he is a great man. As soon as I bring this up (or he reads this) he'll realize he's gotten a bit carried away with work and remember little ol' me. If I keep eating this Moose Munch though, it's going to be big ol' me. I'm putting it away and going to bed.

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