Sunday, December 31, 2006


I'm often accused of being way too sensitive. Last night an old friend from high school invited me over for a small gathering where a few others from our high school were going to be there too. I was very excited as I had not seen these people since high school graduation (13.5 yrs. ago). It was immediately apparent upon walking in that I was way more excited to see them than vice-versa. I tried my hardest to engage them in some small talk (babies - 2 are pregnant, one had a 4 month old, jobs, where we live, our careers, etc...) but to no avail. I thought it was just me being overly sensitive as I often am but once my husband and I got into the car to leave and I told him how I felt he immediately said they were very cliquey and they were likely just jealous of me. He often says this but HONESTLY this is always the last thing I think of . Why oh why would someone be jealous of me?? Seriously. I mean, I'm happy and I love my life but come on. This is my 2nd marriage (I married a guy from our high school) and everyone knew about us and I'm sure our divorce. It was an amicable one and we still talk from time to time via email but still. Who would be jealous of that?

I find that often when I'm really excited to see people I have not seen in a long time - they don't share my enthusiasm. How pitiful is that? Am I a loser? I don't think so. I wasn't ms. popularity in high school but I wasn't mean either. I was a cheerleader, did well in school and was probably known as more of a goody-two-shoes (the girls last night made this clear). I was a little naive and frankly I'm proud of that. My husband, in his attempt to make me feel better, said, "f!@# those bitches, they wish they had your life". I know it sounds harsh and trust me, he does not normally speak like this. He just didn't like the fact that they upset me. Kinda cute if you ask me.

Today I'm taking down all of our Christmas decorations. My husband took down all of our outside lights yesterday. He also ordered us a 56" DLP television for his hard work ;). Should be here next week.

Happy New Year y'all. Be safe. Here's to a healthy, happy, prosperous (and perhaps less sensitive???) 2007.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

It definitely sounds like those girls are jealous - or are carrying some unknown grudge or something from the school years. Forget about them if they're going to act like that. You have way too much great things going on for you (and more important) than to worry about silly girls. ;)
I think you're awesome! *hugs*