Sunday, February 4, 2007

The worst 2.5 days of my life....

....were from Thursday afternoon to Sunday morning.

I unfortunately got that NASTY stomach flu that has been going around. It came on so suddenly on Thursday evening and I was up all night b/c it was coming out BOTH ENDS (sorry) every 5-10 minutes ALL NIGHT LONG. My daughter also vomited 3 times in her crib and my poor husband had to deal with it as I was busy puking myself. It didn't even seem to bother my daughter! CRAZY. I avoid throwing up at all costs. On Friday both my parents had to take off work and come help me in shifts on Friday b/c my husband had to be at work. My stomach was in constant knots, I had a HUGE migraine, my whole body ached so that I could not get comfortable and I was so gassy. So gross. My daughter seemed fine on Friday but on Saturday morning she was completely lethargic. This scared the SHIT out of me. She would just lay there and do nothing and was super sleepy. We called the doc and since she didn't have a fever, they told us to just keep her warm and hydrated. She was fine by noon.

Now today, Monday, I am just now starting to get my appetite and energy back. I have lost 4 pounds too! I'm so glad it didn't seem to hit my daughter as hard as me - must be because she got the flu shot and I didn't. Lesson learned. I hope none of you get it. It's one of the worst things I have ever experienced.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

I'm so sorry that you went through such a rough illness! Sounds absolutely horrible- and I'm glad you and baby are feeling better now :)