Friday, February 23, 2007

Naps, work, food

Well, for the past 3 days daughter has been back to 2 naps (10-12, 4-5:30). Just when I think I have it all figured out! *Sigh*

I just realized that my husband has not had dinner with us yet this week. He worked late on Tuesday night (got home at 11pm), spent the night on Wednesday night and last night he didn't get home until 7. The latest I can feed my daughter is 6pm. I know it has been hard on him. He is seriously looking into purchasing a plane to fly himself up there. It is only a 40 minute flight and since he has his pilot's license, it seems worth it. It a lot of $$ though. I would like to pay off both of our cars first. It's so frustrating. I don't want to move closer to his work because I don't like the area and it's considerably more expensive AND we are so close to all the grandparents now (20 minutes at the most).

I made a really good chili last night with ground turkey, black beans and kidney beans and topped with avocado and sour cream. I also made some really great cornbread muffins. Daughter wasn't that into it. Oh well. She liked picking out the beans and eating those.

Okay, I need to go take a shower. TGIF!!

1 comment:

jujubug said...

WOW! Purchasing your own plane? that totally rocks! :D Its too bad his work is so far away - I know it is obviously hard on you guys, but it must be hard on him too :(

oh my - your chili sounds fabulous... is it hard to cook?

have a great weekend!