Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Keeping up with a toddler

I'm finding this to be VERY difficult as of late. It's amazing how creative mothers must be. I feel as though I have run out of ways and things to do to entertain my daughter. My experience so far tells me that this will pass so I'm hoping it's just one of my phases. She always wants to be outside and that is great but I get tired of chasing her everywhere to make sure she is safe. Today she was fascinated with the mud in one of our planters. Of course, a big heap ended up in her mouth and hair. Yay. Then she ate some tree bark, some leaves and some sort of seed pod. You would think I'm staring off not paying attention but I am standing right there. It is amazing how quick she is.

I really need to buy her one of those big plastic toy houses to go on the lawn so she has somewhere safer to play in.

The eye technician called me today (she left a message - I was putting my daughter down for a nap). They really want me to come back. She says I won't have to deal with the front desk at all. I don't know how that is possible though. I don't even want to *see* that woman. I'm sort of conflicted. I don't want to punish the rest of them, but I feel like I need to make a statement. I don't know what to do. I want my contacts - but do I want them for $365 and more importantly, do I want contacts from them???? Ugh.

My daughter may be back on two naps. Who knows? See? Just when she goes to one nap, she switches again. I'm not always such a go-with-the-flow person and motherhood most definitely is testing me.

Husband just informed me he will be home late tonight. He's spending the night tomorrow night too. This sucks sometimes. I'm trying to be understanding but right now I'm having a hard time.

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