Wednesday, February 28, 2007

101 things about me

1. I'm 5'3"
2. I don't like to drive
3. I've never been in a car accident
4. I've never smoked a cigarette
5. I love turtles, lizards, owls, and giraffes
6. I'm secretly afraid of snow - I don't know why
7. I love the smell of the airport
8. I find airplane and hospital food to be pretty good
9. I can't make a taco with my tongue
10. I LOVE to dance
11. I love to organize things
12. I'm a homebody but I do love to travel - go figure
13. I can't stand coffee - even the smell of it
14. I am a hot chocolate connaiseur (my favorite is spicy Mayan)
15. I like getting my teeth cleaned
16. I can drive a stick shift (I miss it actually)
17. I am very bow-legged
18. I have larger than average pupils
19. My OB/GYN says I have birthing hips
20. I've never had a yeast infection (yay!)
21. I like my body
22. I've never had menstrual cramps
23. I've never understood why women dreaded the annual pap (it takes like a minute!)
24. I HATE rectal exams though - I'm grumpy the rest of the day
25. I loved being pregnant and am looking forward to it again
26. I am scared to have 2 kids to take care of - the logistics seem impossible!
27. I tried out for the T.V. show "The Amazing Race"
28. This is my second marriage
29. Pasta is my ultimate comfort food followed by warm chocolate chip cookies
30. I hate white chocolate
31. I TiVo way too many shows
32. My mother is one of 8 children, my grandmother is one of 13
33. I almost always hear music in my head
34. I like waving to the people who sell newspapers at intersections
35. Large crowds make me somewhat uncomfortable but I don't avoid them
36. I'm afraid of fire
37. I'm afraid of the ball
38. I'm a daddy's girl
39. I think my dad is the BEST father EVER but I don't think he's a great husband.
40. I miss my brother (he lives in another country)
41. I used to think the sound of someone throwing up was kind of funny - then I had a
bulemic roommate in college and now it freaks me out when I hear someone throw up
42. I resent my in-laws relationship with money - they just don't know how to manage
43. I'm very picky about fat on meat - I will cut off every last bit
44. When I see fashion shows on TV's I wonder, "who in the hell wears that??"
45. I love photography
46. My eyes are not great
47. I am tone deaf - really BAD
48. I love to watch my daughter sleep
49. I love to watch my daughter suck a pacifier
50. I hate the word "binky" - we call the pacifier a "suck-suck" LOL
51. I actually liked high school
52. I HATED junior high
53. I wish I was not so sensitive
54. I always tell my Dad "I love you" before we hang up the phone. I started doing it
when my parents got divorced and my Dad moved out. I'm glad it's a habit now.
55. Broccoli is my favorite vegetable
56. Cucumbers are my second favorite
57. I love doughnuts (glazed, chocolate, maple - you name it!)
58. I wanted to work at the dump when I was little
59. I also wanted to be a waitress and a cheerleader (done both). I aimed high!
60. My first kiss wasn't until 16 and I lost my virginity at 19 (my parents would be
61. I used to have nightmares of getting pregnant in high school - this was great
birth control
62. I've never tried any other drug except marijuana
63. I'm not good at math
64. I'm good at geography
65. I've pet a baby gray whale in the wild in a tiny fishing boat
66. I've drawn blood from the flipper of a baby elephant seal
67. I can't say the word "anus" without laughing
68. It bugs me when people call soda "pop"
69. I've had LASIK surgery twice and I still wear glasses
70. I love BINGO
71. I'm rarely thirsty - I have to force myself to drink
72. I like to drink beer from a bottle, not a glass
73. I've done a high ropes course
74. I loved breasfeeding my daughter
75. I like going to movies alone
76. I have excellent credit
77. I don't enjoy manicures or pedicures
78. I don't like people touching my feet or ankles
79. I think Christina Aguilera has one of the best voices ever
80. I love soda but limit myself
81. My mom is not as nurturing as I am
82. I like to mountain bike
83. I've had sex in public (outside a play during intermission)
84. I like my steak medium-well
85. I don't eat egg yolks unless they are scrambled
86. I don't eat sushi but I LOVE Japanese food
87. I'm allergic to Dextramethorphan (the active ingredient in cough medicines - it
88. I love avocados
89. I don't like to go into banks - I'm always afraid they are going to be robbed
90. I've gone SCUBA diving at night - very cool
91. I can't spend all day at the mall even though I'm a woman
92. I sometimes have a hard time living in the moment b/c I'm always thinking ahead
93. Yoga makes me feel so healthy
94. I don't drink milk unless I'm eating chocolate
95. I broke my wrist twice in a year
96. I've had a flex-sigmoidoscopy and it SUCKED!
97. I have seen the inside of my large intestines thanks to the sigmoidoscopy
98. I hated the movie "Fargo"
99. Austin Powers is NOT my kind of humor....*BARF*
100. I was raised Catholic
101. I need to get back to reality and clean the house!

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