Monday, March 5, 2007

Feels like summer!

It feels like summer here today! I found myself wishing I was still in school so I could ditch and hang out at the beach ;) I took my daughter out to lunch today. This is only the second time we have done this but it's kind of fun - besides, I had no idea what to give her. She hasn't been eating much but then I remembered her doc saying at this age, it's great if they get ONE good meal. She loves to drink milk and water though so that's good, especially in this heat.

I think our dishwasher eats my daughters baby spoons. WTF?? We started out with 5 and now we have 2! So annoying. I think it also ate my rice spoon. I had to take one from my mom. I LOVE rice spoons. I use them for many things.

Guess what? I am FINALLY planning a weekend away with one of my best friends! I am SO excited. It's long overdue. I'm nervous to leave my daughter but I know that I'll have fun and she will be just fine. I know Daddy is looking forward to the bonding time.

For some reason it seems like I have to wash my hair every day now. I usually don't. Every few years, my body seems to do this weird thing and my hair looks greasy after less than 24 hrs. after washing it. Weird.

We bought my daughter a swing and big playhouse that goes on the lawn. The house didn't fit in the car so my Dad is going to pick it up tonight in his big truck. Yay!

We are building out our kitchen island so we can eat at it! I'm so excited. My uncle is going to do it. It is nice to have handy men in the family :)

I convinced my husband to watch Oprah's Building a Dream show about her girls academy in Africa. He SO didn't want to. We were both in tears by the end. Pretty amazing. The girls are so smart, articulate and beautiful. Thank God for someone like Oprah to give them this opportunity. She also promised each one that she would be pay for them to go to college ANYwhere they choose in the WORLD!

That's all for now.

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