Friday, December 28, 2007


Christmas was really really nice despite our post-vacation depression :)

I got my husband a Slingbox Pro. It's this cool gadget that allows you to watch your cable TV on your laptop or mobile device. You can even access your TiVo'd shows as well. So when we go on vacation, it's like having our TV with us, including our shows. Total luxury. He also wanted an XBOX 360 but I could not bring myself to get him one. And now, as I type, he is playing with his new XBOX that he bought HIMSELF just about an hour ago. Sigh. I could be an XBOX widow for awhile. I have never been a fan or supporter of video games but I suppose that's more because I'm a female than my personality, right? When was the last time you heard of a woman who was super in to gaming? Not me.

I got a day at the spa. A few years ago this gift would have not interested me in the least. Now, I'm so looking forward to it. My other gift is laser hair removal. We'll see about that one though. I need to see how much it actually costs. I think in the long run it saves money over waxing and it's permanent so no more monthly waxing. I also got a gift certificate at one of my favorite clothing stores - Anthropologie. It's such and expensive store that I rarely shop there but they have such beautiful things. My dad got us a small digital camera and gave it to us before our trip to Mexico. Our small one got stolen from our suitcase awhile back and we didn't want to bring our big digital SLR. Nothing says "please rob me" like a telephoto lens.

Just before our trip, I got my hair cut from a new stylist. She is AWESOME. I have the most fine limp hair and struggle to give it life. This woman works magic. It may not seem like it, but the texture is so much better. I go to bed with it wet and wake up and it looks pretty darn good. I love this woman. I also got some very subtle highlights. She said I can get them as infrequently as every 5 months!! How cool is that? A good hairdresser is so hard to find - she's a keeper!

My daughter's favorite gift thus far is her trash truck. It's fully automated too. It raises the dumpster, dumps the trash, smashes it, honks the horn and does the back up beeps too. It's adorable to watch her operate it. I wonder if she has aspirations to work at the dump just like her mom did. She makes me so proud!

We had the grandparents over on Christmas morning to watch our daughter open her gifts. I decided to make an easy make ahead breakfast so I wouldn't be in the kitchen all morning. I found a hash-brown sausage casserole recipe online. I know, I know it doesn't get more white trash than that, but it was actually pretty good. I also made some cinnamon rolls as well. I'm going to have to work on lightening the casserole as I'm embarrassed to say it had 2lbs of sausage, one can of condensed cream of chicken soup, one cup of sour cream and 2lbs of hash browns in it. I think I gained a few pounds just making the recipe.

I'm now on day 5 of a 10 day dose of antibiotics. YUCK. I'm constipated. For some reason, I never really got better from whatever I had before our trip. I felt good in Mexico then it seemed to take a turn for the worse as we were heading home. I think it developed into a sinus infection but who knows. I'm so ready to feel normal again. And poop again. Sheesh.

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