Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Random Crap

Took the bumpers off daughter's crib on Friday. She did fine of course, I don't know why I even bother worrying anymore!

I'm considering buying this in lieu of lugging her HUGE, HEAVY car seat on the plane (I'd check it instead, since we'll need it for car rides). Isn't it cool? We are leaving for Mexico soon and then again for Hawaii in May and I think it's a grand idea!

We put the Christmas lights up on the outside of our house and in my humble opinion, ours is the best in the neighborhood ;) There is the one lady on the corner whom I think it's her main objective for her home to be seen from space. Seriously, her electric bill has got to be more than her mortgage this time of year. I shouldn't complain because it provides lots of entertainment for the kids with the music, lights, snow machine and mechanical animals dancing and singing. We bought and put up our Christmas tree on Sunday but have yet to light it and decorate it. It's HUGE - 12 feet and HEAVY. You should have seen us trying to get it into the house. I wasn't that much help but I tried.

More later, she's awake!

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