Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Patting myself on the back.......

I just found the COOLEST thing yesterday on the internet. If it works as well as I think, it will be one of the greatest inventions ever IMO. It just came out last year and I ordered it yesterday in preparation for our upcoming flight(s). At first, I thought we'd be bringing her car seat and just checking it with our luggage BUT........Our "driver" (makes us sound really rich, eh?) has a toddler seat so we don't even need to bring ours (pat on the back for me #2). This great on so many levels. 1. Obvious - no need to lug the 1000lb car seat through the narrow isles of the plane 2. Daughter won't be able to kick the seat in front of her (car seat allowed her to do this with ease) 3. We won't even have to worry about our car seat getting broken since we are not even bringing it and 4. Our car seat will be in our car waiting for us when we are exhausted after our trip - this always sucked to have to load the car with luggage when you are exhausted only to have to install the damn seat before you leave.

We are arriving a day before our actual condo reservation starts so we had reserved a hotel in town near the airport. Well, being the resourceful person I am, I politely inquired with the concierge at the condo if we could check in early. She said she'd contact the people staying there before us to see when they are leaving. GOOD NEWS!! No need for us to stay in a hotel for the first night. We can head directly to our condo!! Yay! (pat on the back for me #3)

I'm starting to get really excited for this trip. It is MUCH needed. Lately the hub has been so busy that I actually have to write down a list of stuff that I want to ask him/talk about in the evening because his work is NUTS. That's sad.

Okay, no one cares. I'm just excited and venting a little. It's my blog and I'll do it if I wanna.

Let's talk about Christmas. People are f'in crazy this time of year. Did you read about the shooting at a mall today somewhere in the midwest? Huh? C'mon people. Every year there are fights, stabbings, shootings, burglarys, car accidents and people getting trampled over a SALE for Christmas. I don't get it. Doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of Christmas? It's about being with your loved ones, slowing down a bit and enjoying each other's company right? I love a gift or surprise just as much as the next person but not at the expense of my loved one's health or safety. Sheesh.

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