Monday, January 7, 2008

Productive morning

Before daughter's nap I managed to:
Unload dishwasher, clean my room, clean daughter's room, vacuum family room (while holding daughter - she freaks), make breakfast, eat breakfast, make lunch, eat lunch, clean up kitchen, re-load dishwasher, do 2 loads of laundry, fold 2 loads of laundry, start a 3rd load of laundry, deposit a check at the bank, mail a package to my brother in Japan, collect trash, help daughter learn her letters and numbers (she can now count to 12 and can identify almost the whole alphabet!)

After I put daughter down for nap:
Scheduled carpet, stairs and couch to be professionally cleaned, found new dentist and made apt, found new primary care doc.

Now I'm going to eat a mini 100 Grand candy bar and settle into my book. I"m feeling pretty accomplished so far today. Daughter's nap schedule has been screwy once again but she is sleeping now so I can't complain. I even see the sun trying to break through the cloudy sky for the first time since Friday. It's not a bad Monday.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

WOW - awesome!!! you're my hero, M! I hope to be there someday too!!