Sunday, December 16, 2007

Blogging from Paradise

Oh this place is too good for words. I didn't think I'd really get an opportunity to relax, but our daughter is napping like a champ. I had the chance to read on our deck and walk down to the beach, grab a lounge chair and plop myself down for an hour and read there too. As I was reading I noticed I put my bikini bottoms on inside out.
She's still napping and so is my husband in one of the other rooms. Our condo here is awesome and the main street (which is pedestrian only) has amazing shops and the most delicious restaurants! Us Americans make up only about 20% of the tourism here. It's mostly people from other parts of Mexico and Europeans. There are many topless women on the beach too. I think I'll join them in a couple days - don't want to burn my nipples during the first half of vacation now do I?

Daughter is LOVING all the ocean and pool time. We are even letting her drink fruit juice. Last night was the first time she ever had any and she held on so tight to the glass that she managed to pour half of it down her shirt in her eagerness to get it all in her mouth. We may have created a monster!

We are waking up at 5am tomorrow to make the almost 3 hour trek to Chichen Itza so that we can be the tour buses. I better get some more relaxing in before she wakes up! We have reservations for dinner tonight in a Thai'ish place and our table is located in a "magical tree-house". Should be cool, especially for the little one.

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