Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Random ramblings

I have a mild headache right now. How annoying. I *so* don't feel like making dinner. Husband doesn't want me to cook either - feels I need a break (awww) as he has been gone for 2 days. I want a HUGE bowl of pasta for dinner. I swear I could polish off a pound of it on my own. And I don't mean that gross whole wheat stuff either. I do use whole wheat spaghetti but any other shape is WAY TOO chewy and gross. Sorry, I guess I just love the white flour and extra carbs. Yummy.

Rachael Ray bugs me. I used to like her. I have even made some of her recipes and they are pretty good. But HER - I don't like. I have heard from a few people that she is a real pill whose head is just way to big to fit into the door of Food Network. When I hear gossip about celebrities, I take it with a grain of salt because there is no way to know what's true and what isn't. Besides, I like to remain my naive little self when it comes to thinking that some, if not most, are nice normal folks who don't cheat on their spouses and make ridiculous demands of the poor people who get stuck serving them.

Okay, I have a confession to make. I have been sucked into the latest MTV reality show, Maui Fever!!! Yeah, I admit it. In addition, I watch The Hills, Dancelife and The Real Word. I know, I know but I LOVE IT!!!!

Today is a special day - 3 years ago tonight, my husband proposed to me on the water after a nice dinner. The next day we left for a month long trip to Guam, Japan and Australia. Now three years later, we are married, own a home and have a beautiful daughter! Time flies.

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