Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Feeling blue

I don't know why really - must be the hormones or something. I'm starting NuvaRing on Sunday so perhaps that will calm down my raging hormones. Menopause should be SO much fun. My mom is having a difficult time with it right now and I'm just praying I don't take after her.

My daughter had her first dentist apt. today. Me being the anal mom that I am , arrived 15 minutes early knowing I'd likely have to fill out 71 pages of crap (why don't they just mail it to me?). So upon walking up to the front door and trying to open it, I find that it is locked. Hmmm.....I try a couple more times, then peep inside and knock lightly. The lady mouths the words "o n e - t h i r t y" to me. Great. So we sat in the car and waited 15 minutes. While trying to fill out the paperwork, my daughter manages to rip the first of the 71 pages I have to fill out in half. When I go to hand them in the lady made kind of a stink about having to tape it together. I imagined reaching over the counter and choking her.
The hygenist was a weirdo. She brushed her teeth then decided to use that air-sucker thingy at that really scared my daughter. That was it. Then she tries to calm her down by saying "good job" over and over. Huh? Am I on TV? The dentist was SO much better. He examined her then says she has a short frenulum (the skin that holds down the tongue underneath) and she may have to get it clipped if it affects her speech later. Great. Now I'm upset and trying not to cry. My husband had this problem and got "clipped" and says it's no big deal. I cried the whole way home from the dentist and have been feeling teary all day now. Why does this upset me? Days like this are hard. Husband promises to come to the next dentist apt.

I promise to have a more upbeat post next time.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

sounds like your dentist's office has issues... They couldn't let you in to the office a littlea early to fill out the paperwork? sheesh. I don't blame ya for getting worked up!

Sorry to hear about your daughter's tongue - I've never heard of such a thing! but it sounds like it is easily corrected and she's still the perfect little angel that she is :) *hugs to you both*