Friday, May 1, 2009

Deadliest Catch

Do you watch this show? The new season just began. Ohmylord. These are REAL MEN. Marlboro smokin', whiskey swigging, Git-r-done MEN. You could NOT pay me enough to get on one of those crab fishing boats. Are you kidding me? Two things I despise most are a common daily thing for these men: Nausea and being cold and wet. F that! And then you add on the fact that they are often awake for 36 hours or more and away from their loved ones for months at a time. 80 mph winds, freezing rain whipping your face, 40 ft swells, stinky fish, nausea, below freezing wind chill, having to dodge half ton crab pots, and no sleep? Um, no thanks. But I love to watch!

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