Monday, February 25, 2008

Say What???

On two occasions this past week my daughter said the following:

"I go play piano bitch"
What she meant: I go play on the piano BENCH

"I see baby's ASS"
What she meant: I see Babies R Us

It was SO HARD not to laugh! Both times I knew what she meant but if anyone else was with us, you would have definitely thought otherwise.

She loves to play on the piano bench. There is storage in it and she loves to play with the study books and flash cards. When we go to Target (which is often) we drive by Babies R Us. Her sense of direction is phenomenal. She definitely did not get that from me. Next time I get lost, I'll just ask her where I am.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

LOL! this made my day - completely. thank you!