Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Potty Party

Okaaaaayyyyy.....So we were up last night until about 10:45pm setting up for this ridicoulous sounding soiree. Of course when I went to make sure the potty doll could pee when I gave her a bottle, it did not work. After no less than 1.5 hours of tinkering, both minor and major doll surgery and some poking we decided it was defective and that we would still use it, but not have it pee. We would have to just somehow put the water and/or poop (chocolate chips - yummy!) in the potty chair unbeknownst to her. Also, I couldn't find doll undies so we are using some old baby washcloths and a rubber band for doll undies.

Since the star of the party is taking her nap, I thought I'd give a little briefing. We decided to alter the format slightly and have my daughter potty train the doll until 10:30am and then we'd start on her. We decided this since she normally naps from 1-4 and the book says to start the child's training after her nap however, she would only get about 2.5 hrs of "potty practice" with this method. So, we started pushing the drinks and and salty snacks. All healthy ideas go out the window for the party. She was drinking pineapple juice, grape juice, chocolate milk and eating salted peanuts, salt & vinegar potato chips, cream cheese stuffed olives, chicken nuggets, and french fries. Oh JOY! So when we put her on the potty for the first time, she POOPED! Yep! The book said not to expect it, but I know her poop schedule and thought we'd give it a try. She also peed on the potty 3 times so far. She's had 3 accidents as well. All pee accidents (no poop accidents, thank goodness). This party is EXHAUSTING and a lot of work. She is, however, doing a fantastic job. We are really yelling and clapping and hugging and kissing and singing her praises when she does pee and poop on the potty.

So far, the best part is seeing her cute little bottom in her big girl underwear. I bought her Minnie Mouse and Hello Kitty themed undies and she seems to be thrilled with them. I hoping the afternoon goes just as well! I'm so glad it's a 3-day weekend. I think we picked a good time to do this. This evening after dinner, the grandparents and my aunt and uncle are coming by for some cake and a small celebration to congratulate the little one graduating to big girl undies. They all think we are ridiculous I'm sure - except for my husbands parent's who used this method on my husband and said it worked. I'm hoping his genetics play a key role in our success.

So I started this post two days ago. It's now Monday. We continued with the potty routine after daughter's nap. Overall, the day went well but........

I think I have to admit that she is just not ready. She would pee a little on the toilet and appeared to be trying to get some out which tells me that she understands what we want, but after she would pee just a little and we'd take her off the toilet, she would immediately have an accident. A FULL pee accident. Obviously she wasn't letting ALL of the pee out while on the toilet.

I'm not sure we'll do the party again as it was a lot of work. She had a blast with all the focus on her and she loves her little potty doll so much that she now wants to nap with her every day.

I was a tad annoyed with the realization that perhaps I jumped the gun on this, but that's okay, I'm in no hurry. So, all that to say..................

It was fun, a lot of work, but she is a still a bit too immature for such a step.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

aah - thanks for the update... it sure sounds like a lot of work! What does the baby doll do that helps daughter understand the concept of pee & poo? Does the doll have her own potty as well? What is the average age that kids are potty trained, anyways? I've been hearing 3 yrs old - but that seems really old to me... but then again I hear potty training too early can cause future accidents well into their childhood... and I believe it. I was potty trained really young, but I continued to have accidents (while sleeping) - and I can only think it was because I was trained so young (1.5yr)? anyways, update again when you decide to try in the future... I admire your patience with this :) *hugs*