Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Food Obsessed

Okay. I LOVE food. No, really you don't understand. I. LOVE. FOOD. I'm hungry first thing in the morning. During breakfast I dream about what I'm going to eat for lunch and dinner.

My latest obsession is Trader Joe's cracked wheat sourdough bread. Oh my holy crap. It is that good. Yeah, I know it's not whole grain and is probably not particularly good for me but I don't care right now. I only eat about 2 slices/day. Mind you, I just rediscovered it after years and years of not having it. I used to buy it in college then I just sort of forgot about it. Anyhow, since I'm always thinking about food, I thought I'd make a little list of only SOME of the foods I love and could never get sick of (and while I wait for the pasta - yes, it's whole wheat - to boil for dinner):

Trader Joe's Cracked Wheat Sourdough
Apples (gala or honeycrisp) dipped in caramel
milk chocolate
french fries
green olives
red grapes
hearts of palm
finadene (over beef and chicken)
green beans
red onions - actually any onions
Mexican hot chocolate

There's probably a ton more. That list was just off the top of my head.

On a not-so-psycho note, I have given up soda! I used to order it only when we'd go out to dinner and never keep it at home (cuz I'd drink it). I have been soda free for a few weeks now. I'm pretty proud of myself - it ain't easy. I love that nasty stuff. I will have one every once in awhile - just not yet. I want to be a month or two "clean" until I enjoy one every now and again. Sheesh, you'd think I was talking about crack or something.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

Right there with ya! I love soda - especially coke - never pepsi - just classic coke... mmmm.. I stopped drinking it too, and will only have one once in a blue moon. I'll buy a 6 pack of those mini cans once in a while, but it can take 6 months to finish it - I'm really glad I'm over my soda addiction too. I used to hear the sound of a coke can opening and my mouth would start salivating... then in college, in the dead of winter in seattle I would walk a mile to the closest gas station to get my coke fix if I ran out (regardless of what time it was). scary.

Aah - food! I love food too!! But I like really bad comfort foods - and I need to fix the type of foods I eat because of their convenience... I have yet to find a whole wheat pasta that taste worth a shit... what do you use? I used O - organics brand from vons - but me no likey :( maybe I just need to get used to it?
thanks for the food list - now I'm hungry and I need to dig up some breakfast! ;)

have a great day sweetie!!