Thursday, February 28, 2008

Food Aversions

Just to stay balanced, I wanted to write about foods/drinks that I DON'T like.

1. Coffee! Yes, coffee. And, no I don't even like the smell of it. ICK. GAG. And if I smell it on your breath, that is just about the worst thing EVER.

2. Fishy fish. I'm really trying here. I think I've come a long way. I eat halibut, cod, scallops, sashimi.........I know I've got a long way to go but seriously if it smells fishy I just can't put it in my mouth.

3. Game-y meat. Deer, lamb, duck. I'm told I'm not a true meat lover since I generally eat red meat medium-well. To me, duck is oily and fatty and deer and lamb just have this funky taste. I also won't eat most meat when it's been reheated. GAG. It tastes like metal to me. And obviously organ meats are out of the question. I will try anything once though. It all deserves a chance. Haven't met a tasty organ yet!

4. Skin. I don't get it. I can't stand eating chicken skin. It's just so GROSS.

5. Fat. Once again, I don't get it. And it PISSES me off to no end when people say to me, "that's the best part!" or "that's what gives it flavor!" Great then....YOU EAT IT!

6. Jello & custards. Never liked jello. Gelatinous foods just don't do it for me. Any kind of creamy tarts, custards, flan, creme brulee, cream thanks.

7. Peanut butter or cherry flavored anything. I feel nauseous at the mere thought of Reeses Pieces. I must have had some weird experience with them when I was little.

I think that just about covers it. I'm sure there's more but I'm starting to feel a little sick just writing about it.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

fun! I love when you post stuff like this :) Its neat to read what other people like and dislike. Coffee - really? wow! that's great, for so many different reasons. I used to hate coffee when I worked as a barista for seattle's best coffee on guam. I couldn't even stand the smell of ground coffee. Fish - I love fish! almost any fish, except sea bass - which - to me taste a little gamey (no likey). What kind of sashimi do you eat? I'd say you've definitely come a long way if you can eat anything raw. I'm assuming you've eaten raw tuna and salmon, maybe? and from what I understand, if the fish is fresh, it shouldn't smell too 'fishy' :) So, being a little picky with that is probably a good thing!

Gamey meat - ugh. One Xmas - we went back to illinois to see ryan's family, and a bunch of extended family were visiting for a party - and there was (what appeared to be) beef jerkey in the fridge - and it was offered to us - so we ate some... then they told us it was deer meat - from a recent hunt. umm...?!

Skin - i love it.. haha its gross I know - but if it weren't so bad for me I'd just eat the skin off the chicken! lol.

fat - I love this too - and that explains why I continue to be fat... haha

jello - I'm kind of neutral on this - I guess I like it - i like pudding! :)

penut butter and cherry - mmm - I must say I like these too - but what I dont like is cinnamon in the form of candy - like cinammon gum or red hots? ugh :P bleh

fun post!!! hope oyu're doing well!!