Sunday, November 26, 2006

Books, etc.

I'm reading The Power of One right now. I am into it now, but thought it was a slow start. I've recently decided to expand my library to include fiction. In doing so, I have found some great books and some not-so-great. I enjoyed the Dan Brown series, Life of Pi, Secret Life of Bees, & The Alchemist to name a few. Still sitting next to my bed and yet to be read is The Feminine Mystique and Me Talk Pretty One Day (I think this is non-fiction). I recently finished One Hundred Years of Solitude......uuuuuuuuugh. It took me forever. Was it just me or did every third character in the book have the same name? I think I learned that magical mysticism is not my cup of tea in books. I'm looking for some more good books to add to my growing pile next to my bed. Any recommendations?

On to another topic. I'm struggling with the decision to have another child. On the one hand, I don't want my daughter to be an only child and now that husband and I will no longer be "parent rookies" it seems to me that baby #2 won't be so new and awkward in the beginning. On the other hand, I have had a really hard time being a stay-at-home mom. I love raising my daughter but I find it exhausting and feel as though I have lost a part of my identity. I don't feel as free. I always have one eye on her and that is draining. I'm not sure that I can handle two little ones. Husband says, "let's get a nanny" especially since my job is really wanting me to return. Problem is, I can't imagine leaving her with a stranger. I don't have a problem with working moms, in fact, I wish I was able to get a nanny and get out of my own way. But I can't. Balancing being a mom and wife while remembering my identity has proven very difficult for me. How did the stay-at-home mom watching soaps and eating bon-bons ever get started???? I barely have time to get dressed and feed myself and I only have ONE child! Am I just terrible at this? I must be.

I'm staring Bikram Yoga again this week. I have not been since I was 8 weeks pregnant. Pray for me!

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