Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bitch Session

I need to that okay? Of course it is! It's my blog dammit!

Looks like my plan of starting yoga tonight is not going to happen. My daughter has a cold :(
She didn't really nap today. I am happy to say that she made it a year and 3 weeks without ever getting sick. HOWEVER.......I must say I'm a little annoyed that she is sick on a day when I wanted to go to yoga for the first time. I'm selfish I guess.

I hate fall!!! This weather is driving me crazy. It's clear and sunny out but COLD, DRY and WINDY. Three things that irritate me. I swear I'm half lizard. My skin is dry as it is, I don't need 0% humidity and wind to make it worse. My whole body feels chapped. How could people like this season? Ew.

I love Christmas, but not the shopping. I REALLY hate to shop. The female shopping gene must have mutated in me. Bitch, bitch, bitch..........I sound like a real pleasant person today don't I?

1 comment:

jujubug said...

This SUPER DRY weather is driving me insane!!!!!