Sunday, April 6, 2008


I really need to start blogging more often. It seems like when I finally do get around to doing it I have so much to say but feel that it sounds so disjointed that I just don't end up publishing the post. I'm doing it this time. Yay me.

A couple big things in the life of SambaMama........

1. We are now the owners of a plane. Yup. Some people drive to work. Some walk or ride a bike. My husband flies himself to work. The plane is out of state so in the next two weeks he'll be flying out there to pick it up and fly it back home. Oh great - just what I wanted! Another week alone with my daughter.

2. Daughter is now officially in a toddler bed! We had made the transition a couple weeks ago then regressed back to the crib after the hub didn't want her to not take her nap (she kept getting out). On Friday night, we converted her crib to a toddler bed again. No falling out, no crawling out. Saturday's nap was different. She came out of her room about 10 times or so before staying there and napping. Today's nap she stayed there from the beginning. Amazing. Everyone said it wasn't going to be a big deal and the novelty would wear off soon. I don't know why I ever even bother to fret about such things with her. Oh yeah - no crib rail either. I found this brilliant idea online. We got the pink one of course. I love it!! It looks cute, you can deflate it an travel with it, there is no putting together and it's a snap to put on and take off. Highly recommend!

Yesterday we did a bunch of household stuff like installing a peephole, fixing our banged up ghetto-ass screen door (we need a new one, but who has the time?), finding a new tax person (yeah, I know we are a little late), re-installing our baby gate at the top of the stairs (it fell off the wall on day 3!) and changing a few light bulbs. Today I made some fried rice for breakfast then we took daughter to the park and then to our local theme park for a couple hours, had lunch then put her down for a nap. As soon as I finish this I'm going to take a shower and then we're off to my aunts for a BBQ.

I'm reading this book off and on right now called Mother-Daughter Wisdom: Understanding the Crucial Link Between Mothers, Daughters and Health by Dr. Christiane Northrup. I've always been a huge fan of hers. She is just the right blend of Eastern and Western medicine for me. I came across a quote that I thought was perfect for me in this daily struggle of mine as a stay at home mom:

Remember that your daughter's soul picked you for her vehicle to get here. She knew what she was getting into. So just do the best you can and trust your (and your daughter's) Higher Power with the rest.

I think I'll end here. Oh wait - I had a dream last night that I was breastfeeding a newborn. Yeah, I loved it but I'm not sure the child was even mine. WEIRD!

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