Monday, April 7, 2008

Manic Monday

AAAAAAAARRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Had a nice morning at the beach with daughter followed by a nice lunch on the beach with a few moms from our mom's group. Then.......she wouldn't nap! I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT function well when she does not nap. I literally flip out. So after 2 hours of her just chatting in her bed, I went and got her and then we went to Target - because I had no idea what else to do.

Our dishwasher - yeah, that great new one we bought - is not draining properly. There is water at the bottom of it that won't drain. I took it apart to see if it was clogged and it does not appear to be. WTF?

Now for the icing on the cake today. Our friends from New York were supposed to be here on Wednesday and stay through the weekend. Well they FLAKED! I was really looking forward to their visit and now with 2 days left, they decide they don't wanna come. They were coming to job/home search b/c they were going to move here for a year to see how they liked it. Apparently they got freaked out about the reality of it and now are not coming. I hate flakes. I really do. I think it is so selfish and inconsiderate to flake. I know it happens on occasion, those are forgivable but so many people flake on a regular basis that it makes it hard to plan things.

I've been hearing a lot of mom's talk about how much they LOVE being a stay at home mom lately. I can't say the same for me. Just when it gets really bad for me though, my daughter does something that just melts my heart and slaps me upside the head to make me thankful for her and to be able to stay home. I definitely can not say though, that I was meant for this. I'm just not. I just bought the Eckhart Tolle book A New Earth. I'm hoping this gives me yet another slap in the face.

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