Friday, March 28, 2008

It's the little things

I feel like most of my posts lately have been bitchy, bitchy, blah, blah, complain, complain!

As I was in the shower tonight I was thinking of the little things that I really cherish these days (that would have otherwise seemed pathetic to me just 2.5 years ago). Taking a shower. Eating a meal without one eye on a toddler. Grocery shopping alone. Driving alone. Shit - doing ANYthing alone. Getting a little buzzed with some girlfriends.

As for my constant food freakishness - I have been lurking on They have some great food photography groups on there. I even LOVE looking at stuff I would never eat. Some of the photography is beautiful. It got me thinking if I could do it. I may start photographing some of the things I prepare and/or eat. There is even a group on Flikr called "Food Porn". So true.

Totally off topic - I really need a haircut. Okay, I'm going to bed. It's going to be a long (but fun) day tomorrow. The hub and I have a date on a cruise ship! No, we are not going anywhere, but we are having a private lunch on the ship and get to do a tour. At least we can pretend we are on one for a few hours. After that we are driving up to see our friends who live about an hour away.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

flickr is the shiznit! love that site :) I would LOVE to see photos of food that you prepare! and maybe get some recipes/ideas too? that would be so cool - be sure to post about it if you join...
Have fun on your cruise! Sounds like a fabulous time :) *big hugs*