Monday, March 17, 2008


My wonderful, lovely helpful husband is in Aspen snowboarding. He's been there since Saturday morning. I'm done. I need a break. I want a break. I deserve a break!!

I took my daughter to our local theme park today for a couple of hours. I bought her these platform flip flops so she had that extra 3/4" she needed to ride the roller coasters. After weekly trips to this place, we needed a change of scenery. We were riding the same 7 rides. It worked! We got to ride the coasters and had a blast. Thank goodness for platform flip-flops!

While at the park I was reminded of a few trends I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND.
The first is skinny jeans. Who invented these? And WHY? In my opinion they do NOT flatter even the best figures. YUCK. And let's not even talk about MEN's skinny jeans. That is just gross. The second is when women wear a racer back/T-back shirt and a regular bra. Is this on purpose? I think it's so tacky to have your bra show so blatantly like that. Who wants to see your bra? And most of the time, the shirt is white and the bra is black or some contrasting color. Is that a trend? A mistake? I don't get it. Get a T-back bra, ladies.

Can you tell I'm bitchy?

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