Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Stuff on my mind

Okay so I toured the preschool I thought I liked. The woman at the front was not as nice as the woman we met before. The rooms were not as nice as I would have hoped and the bathroom has 3 little toilets (no partition) and is shared by all 3 classrooms. It was kind of dirty in there too. EW! I think they should have partitions. Even if they need help with clothes, the teacher can fit in a stall but other kids don't need to use the bathroom in front of each other. That's weird to me.

I found another preschool that I will look at on Friday. This one even has a "kiddie cam" so parents can look in on the kids via webcam. Cool.

I'm back to wanting another child. I know, I'm psycho. I figure, the hardest part is the first few years and in the grand scheme of things, it goes fast. We'll see where I'm at next week.

I'm getting my eyebrows and upper lip waxed (along with bikini) on Friday. I should just immerse myself in a big vat of wax, I swear. I've never had my brows waxed so that will be interesting.

I had the worst dream the other night. I had left my daughter in the car for 4 hours while I went to some college class. I did it knowingly too and just figured she'd sleep!!!! I woke up so horrified. I hate dreams like that.

The sun is finally starting to shine!! Yay!

1 comment:

jujubug said...

Hi Samba Mama! Yay :) So glad to see you back! oh wow - how exciting - checking out preschools!! but a shared bathroom? ew! that is a bit weird. I do like the thought of having a kiddie cam to check in on - that is awesome.
Aww - I totally feel you on having another kid. My mom wants me to have another (and I haven't even finished popping this one out!) lol! but I got to thinking... how long should I wait until I have another one - I don't want to wait too long cause I'm already 32 now. Hmm.. kind of makes me wish I started just a little sooner. but oh well :\ gawd - I need to pee again!!! *hugs*