Sunday, June 15, 2008

I FINALLY did it!!

I went to yoga. Bikram yoga. After a 3.5 year hiatus. Oh lordy am I sore. I went both Saturday and Sunday even! I plan to go 2-3 times a week now that K is in pre-school. I figure I'll go 3 days/week every other week and 2 days/week every other week. That way on the 2 classes a week days I can run errands or schedule a haircut or just do nothing. Twice a month doesn't sound too indulgent right? Right. I was a nervous wreck on Saturday before class but I wasn't going to let myself get talked out of it. I even had a stomach ache. I made it through the majority of the class but by the time I got up to leave I was pretty nauseous. Today's class was 100% better so I feel good but sore.

Here's to finally getting to my New Year's resolution about 6 months late. (Better late than never!)


jujubug said...

yay! you tried bikram! I'm so happy for you :) I hope your journey with bikram is as wonderful as mine was... its a rather controversial sort of yoga practice to some, but I've really had a great experience with it - and it opened up so many doors for me. namaste samba mama

Samba Mama said...

Hi Juju!

I used to do Bikram so it wasn't my first time - I did it regularly for about 5 years. Yeah about the controversy - it's so weird. I'm so not a yoga nazi though. We have to do the yoga that is right for us and Bikram is right for me - always has been but it ain't for everyone. I think it's lame when they talk down about yoga styles you know? Hope all is well with you - haven't seen a new post in a bit!:)

jujubug said...

hi M! ahh, wow - 5 years is a long time to practice any yoga :) it must have felt great! I dream about one day being able to return to my asana practices. definitely not in my near future, unfortunately, but I think about it alot... anyways - yea - i don't like it when people talk down about other practices too. oh man, I really do need to post again real soon - i have so much to update... will try to do so this week! *big hugs*