Monday, June 9, 2008


Yep. K started school today. I have not been sleeping well at night for the past 4 or 5 nights. I've felt anxious and had restless leg syndrome (which royally pisses me off - I had it a lot during my pregnancy).

I did WAY better than I thought I'd do. I cried on the way to the school but managed to pull myself together before we walked in. I didn't want her to see my red, puffy, teary face and think that school was scary or bad.

Her teachers seem great and there were only 4 kids today so that's only 2 kids per teacher - great for her first school experience I think. The classroom is awesome with lots of stuff to explore and great natural light.

She didn't cry when we left. Thank GOODNESS for that. I called the school around 11am to see how she was doing. They said she cried for about 5 minutes after we left but then has been great ever since and exploring every inch of her new surroundings. I arrived at the school to pick her up about 15 minutes early hoping to spy on her a bit. When I peeked in the room the kids were eating lunch. I watched for a few minutes then went in and she immediately got up, ran to me and exclaimed, "oh look! It's my mama!" That was the best part.

All I did while she was in school was catch up on some email, pay some bills and make some phone calls. I managed to eat a bit but didn't have much of an appetite.

The first day was definitely a success. I'm a proud mommy today.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

WOW! what a great start!! I'm so happy for you guys - go K, go! :)