Sunday, June 15, 2008

I FINALLY did it!!

I went to yoga. Bikram yoga. After a 3.5 year hiatus. Oh lordy am I sore. I went both Saturday and Sunday even! I plan to go 2-3 times a week now that K is in pre-school. I figure I'll go 3 days/week every other week and 2 days/week every other week. That way on the 2 classes a week days I can run errands or schedule a haircut or just do nothing. Twice a month doesn't sound too indulgent right? Right. I was a nervous wreck on Saturday before class but I wasn't going to let myself get talked out of it. I even had a stomach ache. I made it through the majority of the class but by the time I got up to leave I was pretty nauseous. Today's class was 100% better so I feel good but sore.

Here's to finally getting to my New Year's resolution about 6 months late. (Better late than never!)

Monday, June 9, 2008


Yep. K started school today. I have not been sleeping well at night for the past 4 or 5 nights. I've felt anxious and had restless leg syndrome (which royally pisses me off - I had it a lot during my pregnancy).

I did WAY better than I thought I'd do. I cried on the way to the school but managed to pull myself together before we walked in. I didn't want her to see my red, puffy, teary face and think that school was scary or bad.

Her teachers seem great and there were only 4 kids today so that's only 2 kids per teacher - great for her first school experience I think. The classroom is awesome with lots of stuff to explore and great natural light.

She didn't cry when we left. Thank GOODNESS for that. I called the school around 11am to see how she was doing. They said she cried for about 5 minutes after we left but then has been great ever since and exploring every inch of her new surroundings. I arrived at the school to pick her up about 15 minutes early hoping to spy on her a bit. When I peeked in the room the kids were eating lunch. I watched for a few minutes then went in and she immediately got up, ran to me and exclaimed, "oh look! It's my mama!" That was the best part.

All I did while she was in school was catch up on some email, pay some bills and make some phone calls. I managed to eat a bit but didn't have much of an appetite.

The first day was definitely a success. I'm a proud mommy today.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Vegas on a whim

As we were lying around the house on Saturday morning, my husband suddenly got the idea in his head that it would be a good idea to fly to Vegas and stay for the night. After a few phone calls to determine which hotel had the most kid-friendly pool area, we decided on the MGM Grand. We packed FAST and managed to forget a few key things (swim diapers, underwear for me and my NuvaRing). Oh well. The flight was great, K napped on the plane and it took only 1 hour and 22 minutes. It costs us less than a commercial flight for 3 of us and we didn't have to bother with their schedule, security checks or the boarding cattle call.....YES! The hub arranged for a private town car to take us to the hotel upon arrival. I was so wide eyed at the VIP service I must have looked like a total rookie.

The suite we were promised (at a huge discount by the way) was apparently given away as we checked in just an hour late. WTF? The hub used his players club points to get the upgrade but apparently it will be given away if another person with a higher players club status checks in before you. No biggie. We unloaded our stuff in the room and headed for the pool. Thank goodness they sold swim diapers at the pool area. The pool was CROWDED with young, drunk and loud people. Note to self: Vegas may not be the most appropriate place for kids! We went a couple times around the lazy river with K and she had a blast. I was so glad that we remembered her water wings. I had a good time watching the drunk and/or hungover people sweating it out in the Vegas heat by the pool. I was surprised to see people of all ages there (birth to 80's!). After the pool we headed to see the lion enclosure inside the hotel. They were sleeping but K enjoyed them all the same. We found a dinner place, made a 6:15 reservation, headed to the room, changed and back down to dinner. Fantastic food! I was kicking myself for not bringing the camera to dinner. The hub got a caesar salad to start and a big thick fillet mignon with king crab legs, grilled asparagus and creamy mashed potatoes for dinner. I ordered a build-your-own salad where you can check off up to 10 things for your salad. Mine included chopped romaine, spanish olives, shaved radish, toasted pine nuts, creamy dill ranch dressing, bacon bits, cucumber, avocado, and carrots. For dinner I had wild Alaskan halibut on a bed of lentils and rice with grilled asparagus. We shared our food with K and she loved it all (except the wild mushrooms on daddy's plate!). After dinner we headed back to the room, put K down for bed and we sat in bed and watched "Fool's Gold". The hub went downstairs to play blackjack while we slept. He was only gone a couple hours.

K slept in until 8am! Downstairs for a mediocre overpriced breakfast, then back to the room to pack, give our luggage to the bell desk to hold, and back out to the pool. one at the pool! All still sleeping off their night of partying. A couple times around the lazy river and lounging by the pool and we were hungry for lunch. We stopped by to visit the lions frolicking about and playing with the trainers. Lunch was at the Rainforest Cafe. K loved the noises of the stampedes and the rain as well as the animated elephants, monkeys and cheetahs. After lunch we gathered our luggage and took a short cab ride to the airport, loaded up on the green apples, bottled water, popcorn and chocolate chip cookies that are available for FREE in the terminal for the flight. The nice man who drove us out to our plane offered to drive K and I over to big Gulf Stream to take a tour while the hub did his pre-flight. What a cool plane! Like a mini Air Force One! Full staff and all. They were headed to Oklahoma. The pilot gave Naya a special "pilot's brownie". Back in the plane and off for home. We were back home by 4pm.

*Sigh* now it's back to our usual week of laundry, cleaning, cooking and running errands. I could get used to having a jet set life! K starts pre-school in ONE week! Yoga here I come.

*Forgot to add that the hub put $5 in a machine as we were leaving (much to my dismay) but instantly turned it into $25! Now, I know that's not a lot but I was happy it wasn't $5 lost but $20 gained! I am so NOT the gambler.