Thursday, July 12, 2007

Closet hippie

Husband a few years ago: "You are a closet hippie!"
Me: "No, I'm not not...eww."
Me (a few hours later): "Wait, I guess I sort of am."

I got to thinking about this the other day when I got really mad at my husband for doing his usual routine of turning on the shower then going into the bathroom (toilet is separate from the shower) for about 20 minutes. The really bugs the shit out of me. It wastes so much water. I also get after him for leaving the faucet on while brushing his teeth and grabbing a new water bottle and taking a few sips only to realize he already has one opened. Waste, waste, waste. He is trying to get better but old habits die hard, ya know?

Last year, I decided to go as "green" as I could. I now buy all biodegradable non-toxic household cleaners including laundry and dish detergent. I use reusable grocery bags at the store and unplug many of our appliances unless they are being used. I also use a dish towel to dry my hands instead of a paper towel. There is a TON more I could do, and I will eventually, but for now I feel good about what I am doing.

I wouldn't mind driving a hybrid car and it would be even better if my husband did since he has such a long commute. He tried it once (rented one) and thought the car didn't have much power and was uncomfortable. I hope they get better. It would save us SO much money.

I don't consider myself to be a hippie but to my husband, I'm the ultimate tree hugger. I laugh when I think how he would have handled Santa Cruz (where I went to college). Heheh.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

LOL! Well then you should let your husband know he is a closet hippie lover ;)

I love that you decided to go 'green'! Every little bit helps. What kind of household cleaners and detergents do you use? I'd be interested to use them as well... please let me know when you have a chance.

I've been wrestling with the thought of doing cloth diapers - but still haven't made the decision yet. My friend is very knowledgeable in the area and has sent me some interesting literature about it. It just 'sounds' like such a hassle, but I think its mostly in my head, I dunno. still trying to figure it out. :)