Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So...Hawaii. It was good. It wasn't great. K was a bit fussier than normal (although compared to most toddlers, we hear she is very easy) and I think we learned that traveling with another couple is difficult. Especially when they don't have kids. We ended up having to move from the home we rented due to some HUGE ASS roaches. Oh yes people. HUGE. The hub found the first one in his toiletries bag and turned white as a ghost. I'm cracking up thinking about it as I type this. Here is the big fucker:

We sucked it up in the vacuum then left the vacuum outside. Anyhow, the owner of the home gave us our money back and we moved to the Westin Resort which was awesome. Oddly there are a lot of hippies on the island. Why? Not that they bother me, but just found it odd - they do stand out with their white skin, dreads, and hitchhiking. Just sayin'
We even started saying (while in the car) "heeeey hippie". Now k repeats us but instead says "heeey hippets!". It probably doesn't sound funny to you, but it is to me.

I found the easiest recipe for chicken lettuce wraps - made them tonight. Super fast, super easy, and very tasty.
Okay, I'm tired.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

oh! the roaches! they are all over guam too... I am totally traumatized by my experiences on guam. I have literally been chased by 5 roaches in a house (on two seperate occasions!) - they can smell fear, and will fly towards you! no shit. its the scariest, creepiest feeling ever. oh, and they leave bite marks and pee all over your things too. haha. eww.
anyways, i hope ry and I get to travel as much as you do! and have Rio be cool with it too! so far so good for us here in SLC! thanks for your words of encouragement! oh - and post that lettuce wrap recipe!