Tuesday, February 12, 2008


So this weekend is my daughter's "potty party" where we will attempt (with much success I hope) to potty train her in one day. I've heard great things about it and I'm okay staying home all day for one weekend. It's really just Saturday but Sunday will likely be reinforcing her potty skills....heehee. Wish us/her luck!

She starts school in July and I'm beginning to freak a little. One of the other mom's in my daughter's gymnastics class was telling stories of her kids getting beat up in school and then a few other mom's chimed in with their $0.02 about how they pulled their child out of this preschool or that due to fighting. Is this normal? I might just go ape SHIT on anyone I see beating up my baby. I'm hoping it's a boy thing.

I know I'm weird but I've always found it weird to leave your child with a non-family member - even only for an hour. I know, I know. It's even hard for me to leave her with grandparents. Ugh. It sucks. I just hope the preschool transition isn't too traumatic. I really need to start some yoga and have some me time. On the flip side, I have really been enjoying my little precious a lot lately. She talks so much and is even quite affectionate at times. She now counts to 12, recognizes numbers 1-10, letters A-Z and can sing the ABC song. It's adorable. She also knows the colors yellow, red, blue, green, orange, black, brown and white.

The terrible two's have crept in slightly in the form of tantrums and a few battle of wills. They don't last long - thank GOD - but they do make me nervous and wonder just how bad it might get.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

wow - potty training in one day? that's fabulous... I wish you and baby lots of luck and let us know how it goes! And share some tips if you have any afterwards :)
I swear, if some even lays a finger on Rio in a bad way - I too, will go ape shit! I can't fathom what I would do... i had no idea such things happen in preschool...
Aah! I can't wait for Rio to start talking... like that will freak me out! To actually be able to communicate vocally - wow - just wow...
Hope your week is going well, momma! *sending love and hugs to you and baby girl*