Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Just found out one of my dance coaches is opening his own studio. It's too inconvenient for me to drive there so for now I guess I'm going to stick to one hour a week with my female coach. A little annoying, but the bright side is more money to save!

I happened on this blog and it just BROKE MY HEART. If you don't want to read it, it is a law student who has a new baby. After birth she noticed that he was having SCREAMING fits all day every 2 hours or so. After many doc visits and many diagnoses (colic, milk allergy, reflux) she finally got someone to do an x-ray because she told the doc (for like the 5th time) that when he breathes, she hears popping sounds. So they do the x-ray and are sent home to wait for the results. They get a call soon after saying to pack their bags and plan to stay at the hospital for awhile b/c what they found was very concerning. Well, what they found was multiple rib fractures and now the parents are being investigated for abuse and could lose their child. Right now it stands that the court doesn't want the case now BUT the parents can't be alone with their son - EVER. I can't imagine. I don't know this woman but I feel for her. She feels like she is being accused of abuse before they rule out other medial conditions that could cause this. I just don't know what I'd do.

Daughter is sleeping so I need to get back to my chores.

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