Tuesday, October 30, 2007


We stopped giving our daughter her pacifier for naps/night time completely over the weekend. Just like that - cold turkey. And guess what? It was no big deal! I couldn't believe it. Next hurdle....potty training!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Just found out one of my dance coaches is opening his own studio. It's too inconvenient for me to drive there so for now I guess I'm going to stick to one hour a week with my female coach. A little annoying, but the bright side is more money to save!

I happened on this blog and it just BROKE MY HEART. If you don't want to read it, it is a law student who has a new baby. After birth she noticed that he was having SCREAMING fits all day every 2 hours or so. After many doc visits and many diagnoses (colic, milk allergy, reflux) she finally got someone to do an x-ray because she told the doc (for like the 5th time) that when he breathes, she hears popping sounds. So they do the x-ray and are sent home to wait for the results. They get a call soon after saying to pack their bags and plan to stay at the hospital for awhile b/c what they found was very concerning. Well, what they found was multiple rib fractures and now the parents are being investigated for abuse and could lose their child. Right now it stands that the court doesn't want the case now BUT the parents can't be alone with their son - EVER. I can't imagine. I don't know this woman but I feel for her. She feels like she is being accused of abuse before they rule out other medial conditions that could cause this. I just don't know what I'd do.

Daughter is sleeping so I need to get back to my chores.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Here I am!

Well this has been the longest blog hiatus yet. I'm not sure why I have not blogged but then again, nothing major has happened either. Maybe that's why - most things seem trivial to write about. I'm not sure why I care since I'm like one of three people who actually read this. Okay, no one cares.

My daughter is going to be 2 years old next month. Where does the time go? We are having a small party (family mostly) for her and then comes the task of potty training and weaning her off her pacifier during sleep. Ugh. I REALLY hope it's quick and painless (the pacifier weaning that is - I have more realistic expectations of potty training). She's finally saying words and even a few short sentences. It is crazy to witness language development in a toddler. She's also getting quite good at using a fork or spoon to eat, drinking from a normal cup and jumping. What's next?

On the home front we have 2 new plants/trees: bougainvillea and a Hong Kong Orchid tree both of which are really going to look awesome once they bloom. We have also bought a new dishwasher and I'm LOVING it. It cleans great and is very quiet. The only complaint is that often the dishes are wet when the cycle is done. I've read that since it is an energy saver model, this is common. There could be worse things......like dirty dishes at the end of the cycle!

As for me, I've been dancing again for about a month now. I wish I could say it's going great and I love it but I would be lying. My muscle memory isn't coming back as fast as I'd like it to. Most of the time I feel like a huge, off-balance, fat, ugly ogre for most of the 2 hours of coaching I'm doing. Doesn't that sound awesome? I'm sticking to it because I know it will get better. I'm planning on going back to yoga (really this time) to help strengthen my non-existent core muscles. Regardless, it has been nice to get out of the house alone and do something that is just for me. I should have done this long ago as my husband kept telling me - but I'm very stubborn. He is patient with me, God bless him for that.

I'm going to write more later but now I must give my daughter a bath.