Friday, January 5, 2007

My Eyes (again)

Today (on recommendation of my retinal specialist) I went to see a GREAT doctor to see if I would be a candidate for LASIK surgery again. Turns out I'm not which I'm kind of glad since it's so much $$ - it would have been $7000 ($3500 each eye- YIKES!). I could have PRK but I'm not going to as the recovery is a month long and I could have lots of scar tissue. I don't want to risk it. My best options are contacts and/or glasses. I have not worn glasses since I was 13!! I used to hate them. I also plan to get contacts as well. I wore hard contact lenses for 11 years with no problems.

I was so nervous to go in for my eye exam for some reason. The assistants and doc where very nice and to the point. I was told that I probably shouldn't have gotten LASIK back in 2000 since my corneas are kind of skinny to begin with. They are now measuring 38 and normal is considered 42! I was upset upon hearing this but it is what it is and I can't change it. I got 6+ years of not having to wear contacts or glasses. Even though I now have to wear them, my prescription is much less than before (was -9,-10 and now is -3,-2) so that is good. No more coke bottles for me.

I also learned I have a slight astigmatism which must be new and I have unusually large pupils. Ha ha ha. The doc said that many women long for large pupils as it is a sign of beauty but unfortunately those of us who have them have bad night vision. Interesting huh? My night vision sucks. They have come out with a new type of glasses for people like me that helps with night vision and the halos we see around lights at night. Kinda cool.

Turns out I really shouldn't be driving with my eyes as they are. I am going to drop off my prescription for glasses and pick some frames TONIGHT!

Our monstrous 56" TV arrived today and my husband even went in to work late so he could set it up. This thing is HUGE! So funny how men love big TVs. Ours was a bit small for the niche in the living room I must admit. It will take some getting used to for me.

I know my blogs are all over the place - sorry - writing well with smooth transitions was never my strong point.

I watched the weirdest movie last night - Shop Girl with Claire Danes and Steve Martin. I just couldn't get into Steve Martin as a rich playboy.....strange. Not at all what I expected. I rated it 3 stars on Netflix since I didn't hate it.


CerealKiller said...

good blog..!!!

jujubug said...

I'm sure you will find some cool & funky frames to match you :)

Are you able to consider LASIK again sometime in the future? or are the glasses & contacts going to be permanent?

My vision is doing great since the Lasik, but my night vision is still a little weird. They tell me I'm 20/15, but I can barely read the street signs at night *shrugs* I definitely was more clearly with the glasses :\

Yay for the ginormous TV! Yea, what is it with guys and huge TVs? haha

have a great weekend!