Wednesday, May 7, 2008


K seems better today and she slept great last night. The hub just IM'ed me this though:
"I feel like 100% Prime, Grade AAA dog shit." Jeeeez. I'm poppin' the zinc lozenges and trying to stay über hydrated as well. I can't deal with Airborne or Emergen-C. It literally makes me gag.

4 loads of laundry are done and waiting to be folded and packed. Bought hubby his golf balls this morning - he plans to golf in Hawaii. Still have a lot to do but am thankful I'm feeling healthy! Packing for a little one takes up a lot of room. Diapers, life vest (the house in on a private lake), snacks, clothes (thank goodness there's a washer/dryer there), shoes, bug spray, sunscreen...blah blah blah. I bought K her own little backpack and she can't wait to carry it on the plane. She walks around the house wearing it while carrying a tape measure and telling me that my legs are 6" long. Thank goodness that's not true.

Dinner...what to make, what to make? Maybe I'll go to my mom's. Hub is staying over night for work to tie up some loose ends. Or maybe I'll just make those Nutella cupcakes I've been meaning to and call it a night?

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