Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween, Butt-docs & Motherhood

Daughter went trick-or-treating for the first time last night with me. We only went to 6 homes. She seemed excited yet inquisitive ("mommy, why the hell are we walking around at night and knocking on people's doors?"). She didn't quite understand why she wasn't being invited inside to explore each person's home. I guess if you think about it from a first time toddler's perspective, it's a very strange concept. I wasn't so thrilled about her wanting to eat the candy but I'm trying to ease up on my analness as of late. I let her open and bite a little KitKat (my personal fav) but alas! she wasn't into it and handed it to me. We tried again with a MilkyWay and got the same result. Yes! I know it won't be long before all she wants is candy but right now I'm loving that she loves to eat veggies and fruit with the occasional bite of chicken.

Strangely, I seem to not be in a wolfing-down-chocolate-as-fast-as-I-can phase. I do go through these phases occasionally but they seem rare. I've been eating very lightly too. Hmmmm........

Dance lessons have been the opposite of fun lately. I just get annoyed doing exercises to warm up my abs and inner thighs. I don't wanna! Sometimes I just want to tell her, "Can't we just fuckin' dance?" But then I remember I wanted a lot of technique in my learning. Ugh. I found myself chatting through a quarter of the lesson about motherhood and I did the same with daughter's gymnastics teacher yesterday too. I'm sure it's obvious to them that I'm starved for adult interaction at the moment.

Unfortunately my husband missed Halloween last night as his whole company had a big issue that needed dealing with and not to mention one of our close friends who works there found himself going to take a routine dump but instead filling the toilet with blood. Not good. Mind you, he'd been feeling nausea for a few weeks and we were all trying to get him to go to the doc. Well, husband ended up taking his ass (pun-intended) to urgent care. They did a colonoscopy and saw lots of irritation and tearing. Nothing life-threatening but he'll definitely need some follow-ups. I'm glad he's okay. I know from personal experience that a doc digging in your ass for answers is NO party. It's traumatic. At least it was for me and I only had a flex-sigmoidoscopy. Why you ask? Well I had a bout of bleeding out of my behind too. 3 times in the last seven years to be exact. Anyway, for me, it came out totally normal and now I can say that I have seen my intestines. I feel so lucky. I know, I know TMI.

Other than that, I can't believe it's November and my daughter is going to be 2 years old in a few days.

1 comment:

jujubug said...

oh my... I did not see the butt-issue coming! Um, yea - that must have been a somewhat traumatic experience - my obgyn insists on a rectal exam at my yearly paps - and that alone is enough to make you sulk.

Yyayyyy for daughter! I can't believe she's going to be 2!!! are you planning a party for her?