Friday, July 13, 2007

5 Questions

5 Questions...
Leave me a comment saying that you want me to ask you 5 questions.
I will respond by asking you five personal questions.

You will update your LJ or Blogger, etc... with the answers to the questions, and include this explanation.

Thank you Juju for these questions!

1. Where and how did you and your husband meet?
This is kind of a funny story. We met at a housewarming party and he was actually there on a date with another woman. Because I thought they were a serious couple, I didn't feel funny about talking to them or him for that matter. His date sort of ran off and hung out with her friend and left us to chatting. He managed to get my number from another one of my friends at the party and the rest is history. *note* it was only he and this girl's second date so I don't feel like I stole him :) Besides who takes a second date to a housewarming party in the middle of the day and then ditches him? Her loss, my gain.

2. What is your favorite memory with your daughter so far? I'd have to say me and her daddy helping her out of me at her birth and "meeting" her for the first time. It's magical, I tell you. Also breastfeeding is up there too. Nothing better.

3. What is it about Africa that interests you so much? I'd have to say first the people - they are passionate about life and music and dancing despite hardships. Second - the land and it's animals. I've got a thing for giraffes and would love to see them in the wild.

4. What are the reasons you chose your profession? I'm going to assume you mean when I was a research scientist and not my current stay-at-home mom position :) I love science. Big science, meaning not little microscopic stuff and bench work. I also loved having a job where I knew I was making a difference in people's lives directly. The type of research is rare and I felt lucky to be researching such a big epidemic in our society (alcoholism). I also LOVE the hospital environment (kinda weird I know).

5. What is the greatest parenting advice you have learned thus far? Oh gosh 3 things (which I'm STILL learning): YOU MUST LEARN TO BE FLEXIBLE, TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS, and DON'T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP ONCE IN AWHILE! No one is an expert at parenting the first time around but we all figure it out. We do things like get help, ask advice and don't plan things out too much. Kids have their own agenda and they will win most of the time. That's not to say be a pushover, rather, pick your battles!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Closet hippie

Husband a few years ago: "You are a closet hippie!"
Me: "No, I'm not not...eww."
Me (a few hours later): "Wait, I guess I sort of am."

I got to thinking about this the other day when I got really mad at my husband for doing his usual routine of turning on the shower then going into the bathroom (toilet is separate from the shower) for about 20 minutes. The really bugs the shit out of me. It wastes so much water. I also get after him for leaving the faucet on while brushing his teeth and grabbing a new water bottle and taking a few sips only to realize he already has one opened. Waste, waste, waste. He is trying to get better but old habits die hard, ya know?

Last year, I decided to go as "green" as I could. I now buy all biodegradable non-toxic household cleaners including laundry and dish detergent. I use reusable grocery bags at the store and unplug many of our appliances unless they are being used. I also use a dish towel to dry my hands instead of a paper towel. There is a TON more I could do, and I will eventually, but for now I feel good about what I am doing.

I wouldn't mind driving a hybrid car and it would be even better if my husband did since he has such a long commute. He tried it once (rented one) and thought the car didn't have much power and was uncomfortable. I hope they get better. It would save us SO much money.

I don't consider myself to be a hippie but to my husband, I'm the ultimate tree hugger. I laugh when I think how he would have handled Santa Cruz (where I went to college). Heheh.