Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm no good at blogging regularly.
A couple things:
Thing One: I've been doing some research on cruising with a child. The hubs and I LOVE cruises like we never thought we would. Everyone thought we were nuts for doing a 15 day cruise for our honeymoon (it was both our first cruises). After I got over being so damn restless I finally realized that there really is NOTHING to do. That's hard for me. But I managed. Oh? The pool? Yeah...let's lay there. Maybe read a bit. Hmmm...I'm hungry. So you go eat. Then you sit and gaze at the water. Rinse. Repeat x 20. BLISS.
Anyway back to my point. The hubs REALLY wants to do a cruise with K and I'm hesitant. In doing research I've found that many who do do cruises with their youngin's all comment on and rate the kids clubs. Now, I know I may be a bit of a spaz when it comes to these kinds of things but I must say I was appalled by some of things I read. Many parents commented on how they'd leave their child (some as young as 6 months) in the kids club/nursery while going ashore to explore. Uh....WHAAAAAAAAAT???!!! I would NEVER and I mean N - E - V - E - R leave my child on a ship with strangers. Especially not when it is a known fact that they pay employees pennies and work them to the bone. I've heard too many horror stories. I just couldn't believe what I was reading.
My biggest fear is that K will go overboard. It may sound silly but on a recent cruise I noticed how some decks have wide openings where a child could just go right in. And my child LOVES water and she is FEARLESS. It gives me anxiety just thinking about it. And how relaxing will that be for any of us if all I'm doing is obsessing over that?
No one mentions any of that in their reviews. They really only speak on the quality of the kids clubs. Am I nuts? I must be. It's a family vacation. I want my child with me. Now, I guess I get it if they are a bit older and WANT to go play for a bit. But all night? All day? Many of them are staffed from 8am to 2am!! Yeah. 2 A.M.!!!!!
Thing Two: I've been hearing a lot lately how people say "time flies" as it relates to your children. I get it. It kind of does. But being a stay at home mom is such a bonus in that respect. I get to be with her all day (well mostly) and experience all her firsts with her. I don't feel like I am missing anything. Yes, there are times when I long for the next phase but I genuinely feel like I'm soaking up every second of each stage and phase of her growth. As much as I may moan and groan for the hardships of this job, that is one perk that I find simply amazing. I am blessed.
I think I felt the need to express that because people often say to me, "Don't you want to experience that all over again and have another child?" I don't. I feel fulfilled. I'm happy with one. I really am. Sometimes I long for pregnancy and breastfeeding again (two things I LOVED) but you know, not the other stuff. And I've one helluva easy, awesome, amazing child.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Not Worthy

So my friend Laura Lee over at We Sit By Fire seems to think I'm worthy of this Blogging Sisterhood Award. Ah, sweet! The fond memories I have of you, sister. Thank you, thank you!
Even though I've had this blog for a few years, my posts have been spotty and my readership nearly nil. I do have one that I regularly read though (other than LL who just tagged me) and her name is Tammy aka Juju! You have not blogged in eons but perhaps this will give you the inspiration to start up again. I haven't physically met her yet but how I cyber met her is a good story. Shortly after starting my blog I was randomly browsing other blogs by hitting the "next blog" button at the top of my home page. I came across hers and noticed she said that she grew up on Guam. Well, huh, I thought, so did my mom. Then I found out she is my age and I decide to send her a message to see if she knows another friend of mine who grew up there too. SHE TOTALLY knew her AND turns out they are still friends to this day. Such a small world! She had a baby about a year and a half after me and it's been fun to share in the craziness that is motherhood together.
Thanks again Laura Lee! I'm so glad we are reconnected :)
Friday, May 1, 2009
Deadliest Catch
Do you watch this show? The new season just began. Ohmylord. These are REAL MEN. Marlboro smokin', whiskey swigging, Git-r-done MEN. You could NOT pay me enough to get on one of those crab fishing boats. Are you kidding me? Two things I despise most are a common daily thing for these men: Nausea and being cold and wet. F that! And then you add on the fact that they are often awake for 36 hours or more and away from their loved ones for months at a time. 80 mph winds, freezing rain whipping your face, 40 ft swells, stinky fish, nausea, below freezing wind chill, having to dodge half ton crab pots, and no sleep? Um, no thanks. But I love to watch!
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