Thursday, April 30, 2009


Let me just give you a few examples of how clueless I am when it comes to motherhood.

When K was about 2 months old, I started to meet with a mom's group. They were/are a great group of gals. When our babies were about 3 months old, I noticed a lot of them were putting pants on their kids. Pants? Funny how it never occurred to me to put pants OVER the onesies. Even when it was cold.

At around 5 months, I noticed many of the moms putting bibs on the kids. Well, I thought that was just weird since they were not eating solids yet - we were all still breastfeeding. How silly these moms are! Almost in the same breath, I thought, gosh I wish there was a way to soak up all this drool. HELLO????!!!

I always use to marvel at all the fun little toys the moms would whip out of their diaper bags to entertain their kids. Do ya think it ever occurred to MOI to actually BUY toys for my own child? Nah......

Now, K is almost 3.5 years old and I think I've got this down pretty good. But then again, that will probably all change by tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Open Letter

Dearest general public,

Please, please, PLEASE for the love of all that is holy, STOP asking my husband and I when/if we are having another child. It is a TOUCHY ass subject between us and NO, if you must know, I DON'T WANT ANOTHER CHILD...RAWRGROWLGRRRRHISSSSSSSSSSSSNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! And yes, I know that sounds so un-motherly and selfish and whatever.
